The Eco Badge ozone test cards are a low cost way of testing the ozone levels you are exposing yourself to. They have a test range from 0.04 ppm (40 ppb) up to 0.240 ppm (240 ppb). They work very similar to litmus paper used for testing the ph of a fish tank, pool, spa, etc. You open the Eco tester pouch, pull out the test card and mark down the time, one hour later you simply compare the color on the test card to the color chart. If the color on the card is closest to the 80 mark then you have exposed the card to an average of about 0.080 ppm of ozone. 5 ECO BADGE Ozone Test Cards & 1 Color Chart
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Units are available with outputs of 280mghr, Ductzone 300, 420, 700, 1,000, 1,908, 2,600, 3,600, 5,000, 8,000 and 10,000 mg/hr. Some of these units can be upgraded for higher outputs. Commercial: Residential: Ultra-Pure Laboratory Equipment, Materials Research or Water / Liquid Disinfection: |
AllerAir HEPA Carbon Air Filter Allergy Purifies for Asthma MCS, VOC, Odors, Hospitals, clean rooms, dental offices, and anywhere the maximum degree of filtration is required. Guaranteed Lowest Price! SELECT AN OZONE GENERATOR for MOLD, Smoke, ODOR Remediation and Decontamination The Ozone Generators offered on the o3ozone site are designed, manufactured and labeled for Industrial Use Only. AllerAir HEPA Air Purifiers | AirSep Oxygen Generators, Concentrators | AllerAir MCS Carbon Purifiers | Ozone Applications | Why Allergy Purifiers LLC? Austin Air HEPA Carbon Filters | Informed Ozone Decision | Ozone Output Comparisons | NQ Environmental | Element Designs Timers | Ozone References | Return Policy | Privacy statement | Size an Ozone Generator | Support Email | order, payment, shipping | About Us | Ultra Pure Ozone Products, Industrial or Water Treatment | MOLD | UV OZONE |