VAC-C 1100, 1650, & 2200 Duct Mounted Commercial UV Ozone Generators

  AllerAir AirMedic Pro 6 Plus Air Purifier with UV   Dental Source Capture
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HVAC-C 1100, 1650, & 2200 duct mounted commercial UV ozone generators
(Larger models available on special request)

Used in motels, hotels, airports, office buildings, etc. that have poor indoor air quality (IAQ), or in new buildings to prevent problems from ever occurring. Proprietary UV ozone systems that produce the cleanest ozone possible.
Questions, email or phone 1 866 225 3858 .

Installation is a breeze, simply make 2, 3, or 4  1.5" holes and mount the tube support and control box using the supplied self tapping screws. Install the tubes and plug it in. Connecting to an ozone controller is also very easy, no electrician needed, the HVAC-C has a built in interlock that runs on 12vdc so all that is needed is low voltage wiring between ozone generator and controller.

Please Note: These ozone generators MUST be used in conjunction with an ozone controller.

Indoor Air Treatment / Ozone Monitoring For Indoor Air Treatment

Specifications for HVAC-C Commercial ozone generators

Generation method: UV ozone generation
Supply Gas: Ambient Air
Ozone output: 1100, 1650, & 2200 mg/hr respectively (will produce 10% more for first week)
Controls: On off rocker switch. Interlock connection for external control.
Dimensions: Control box: 8" W X 12" H X 4"D  
Tube mount W/tube installed: 10" x 10" x 15.75 long
Electrical: 120VAC up to 277VAC regulated.
-HVAC-C550,    .65A @120VAC / 0.28A @ 277VAC
-HVAC-C1100, 1.30A @120VAC / 0.56A @ 277VAC
-HVAC-C1650, 1.95A @120VAC / 0.84A @ 277VAC
-HVAC-C2200, 2.60A @120VAC / 1.12A @ 277VAC
-Larger models available on special request.
Construction: Stainless steel and aluminum.
UV tube life expectancy: 8-14 months plus, depending on. (the higher the setting the shorter the life)
Warranty: The HVAC-C series electronics are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of four years from date of purchase. The UV tubes are warranted for 6 months. Liability is limited to parts and labor only. Shipping is the sole responsibility of the customer. Allergy Purifiers LLC is not liable for damage caused by shipping, misuse, neglect or lack of regular maintenance.
Uses: The HVAC-C is a duct mounted ozone generator designed for use in a commercial building or office. This unit does not have a variable control for adjusting the output. An ozone controller is required if used in an occupied area.
Options: Standard unit comes with 3 ft cable between control box and UV tube. Optional is a 10 ft cable or on special order up to 100 ft.


HVAC 560 $489.00
Cable length 2 ft cable (standard) 10 ft cable ($24.95 extra)

HVAC Commercial 1100 $508.00
Cable length 2 ft cable (standard) 10 ft cable ($24.95 extra)

HVAC Commercial 2200 $796.00
Cable length 2 ft cable (standard) 10 ft cable ($24.95 extra)

Please call for questions or for ordering at 330-497-6900 o t 1-330-497-6900

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 reproduced without written consent from Allergy Purifiers LLC; o3ozone.  All rights reserved, Dave Lowen, Doug Bracken &
Allergy Purifiers LLC, o3ozone 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Residential, Commercial, Industrial o3ozone ozone generators, ODOR air purifiers, AllerAir Carbon MCS Air Purifiers, Austin Air, IQAir HEPA
Carbon Filter, AllerAir AirMedic Dental Source Capture, HEPA gas, ODOR
Removal Allergy Asthma Filters Air Purifiers, AirSep Oxygen
oxygen bars, Glass Blowing, Thermal Applications.

AllerAir HEPA Carbon Air Filter Allergy Purifies for Asthma MCS, VOC, Odors, Hospitals, clean rooms, dental offices, and anywhere the maximum degree of filtration is required. offers a large selection of purification products.

Dental Source Capture
Carbon UV HEPA Purifier
Austin Air Purifiers. Filters
All models Available - CALL
MCS Carbon Odor Filters
HEPA MCS Allergy Asthma
Carbon Gas
HEPA Allergy Asthma
MCS Gas Odor Filters
UV Medical HEPA Allergy
Asthma MCS Odor Purifiers
HEPA Air Scrubbers
Containment Rooms

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