MOLD REMOVAL INFORMATION by Cleanfax Magazine: By use of a mold redemption plan, and an ozone generator, mold growth can be inhibited. In all cases the moisture and humidity in the walls, mold impregnated materials, floors, etc., must first be removed for effective elimination of the problem mold and odor. Once moisture is removed, all visible mold and mildew should be removed, then a shock treatment procedure can be preformed lasting for 24-72 hrs. Removing the visible mold, disinfecting of surfaces with ozone, and the reduction of moisture are just about the only way to remediate a mold problem. Ozone curbs the ability for exposed mold, mildew or fungus to reproduce. Ozone purifies the air and can reduce respiratory distress! Ozone works 3187 times quicker than chlorine as a germicide; superior to chlorine! Ozone is the most powerful oxidant available for commercial air, & water treatment. Ozone controls odors by killing the mold and fungus.
Many believe that if the mold is dried and removed the danger is over. Mold usually harbors in crevices and in materials that are porous where they can re-grow. Dried mold particles become airborne and can be breathed in from basements through ventilation systems and inside walls. Breathing in these spores can cause respiratory damage that may be permanent. Ozone, at shock treatment levels will kill mold spores and obstruct future growth. If you can smell mold, usually there is mold, or air-borne mold spores. Negative Ion generators are not capable of killing or eliminate mold spores or germs.
MOLD TREATMENT:Moisture and humidity in the walls, floors, etc., must first be removed to permanently and effectively eliminate the problem mold and odor. It is often necessary to remove materials such as wallboard or other mold-impregnated materials that are permanently damaged by mold. These "mold-impregnated" materials can not be salvaged because mold spores can be trapped in these materials and will grow quickly in the presence of high humidity or moisture. Once moisture is removed, all visible mold and mildew should be removed, then an ozone shock treatment procedure can be preformed to kill all residual mold and mold spores; eliminating their possibility of reproduction by oxidization. Professionals in the remediation industry will use ozone shock treatments lasting 24-72 hrs.
Ozone is very effective at killing the residual unseen mold. With periodic ozone shock treatments, severe mold problems can be stopped. For re-occurring moisture problems, periodic shock treatments will control and eliminate the growth and spread of molds. Using just an ozone generator to remediate mold can work in some situations, or at least control the growth and make an area habitable with periodic shock treatments, but for permanent results, moisture and humidity in the walls, mold impregnated materials, floors, etc., must first be removed for most situations. Keep in mind that ozone can only kill mold that it can get to - so mold trapped behind sealed walls can not be killed without opening or replacing the wallboard or materials that are sealing the problem. |
The recommendations we give are very conservative and designed for professionals in the mold redemption, fire & flood restoration, and odor removal businesses. When charging for a service in these professions, companies cannot afford to have to come back to retreat, or re-initiate the application. This is the reason for our conservative recommendations. It is fairly common for some companies to advertise and recommend the size an ozone generator with only square footage ratings for general air purification results in mind, rather than actual levels needed for germ killing with shock treatments. There appears to be some misleading representation of ratings (usually square footage ratings) and how much ozone will be needed for a particular application in this industry. Since sizing an ozone generator is dependant on several factors, we try to avoid giving unqualified square footage ratings. Square footage ratings must also disclose whether they are for air purification, or for shock treatments, as the mghr. output recommendations will be vastly different.
Why are UV ozone generators a better choice than corona discharge ozone generators?
(For all air or surface sterilization Shock treatment applications such as MOLD, Smoke, Fire odors, musty smells, flood odor, protein decomposition odor, germ and virus remediation, etc.)
The Biggest difference between corona discharge and UV ozone generation methods is that UV ozone generators have stable ozone output levels throughout humidity ranges, while the output of corona discharge ozone generators is significantly reduced by just moderate humidity levels such as 40–70% (ozone output is reduced by approx. 40-70% with 40-70% humidity). In addition, with UV ozone generators, the cleaning requirement is almost eliminated compared to corona discharge ozone generators. Also, the ozone produced from a UV ozone generator is cleaner (no nitric acids) and smells better than ozone produced from corona discharge machines, and is just as powerful and often more powerful as ozone produced by corona discharge ozone generators. UV models include UV PRO 550, UV PRO 550AT, UV PRO 1100AT, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 6800 If you need an ozone generator with adjustable ozone output, two new models, the UV PRO 550AT or UV PRO 1100AT are ideal. The "AT" stands for Adjustable with 48 hour Timer. These models produce the cleanest and sweetest ozone ever possible - adjustable down to very low levels or high levels for shock treatments and are much more dependable than corona models on the market! Please call 330-497-6900 for information or to purchase. |
CLICK HERE TO SELECT AN OZONE GENERATOR UV PRO 2800T48 *popular, Professional Choice.
This is the new choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 2800
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 2800 is designed for use as a heavy duty Ozone shock treatment tool. In higher humidity, the UV PRO 2800 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 5,000. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! | UV PRO 4000T48 *popular, Professional Choice.
This is the new choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 4000
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 4000 is designed for use as a heavy duty shock treatment tool. In higher humidity, the UV PRO 4000 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 10,000. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! | UV PRO 6800T48 *Ultimate Professional Choice.
This is the new ultimate choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 6800
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 6800 is designed for use as the ultimate heavy duty shock treatment tool. In moderate to higher humidity, the UV PRO 6800 exceeds the ozone output of competing units rated at 29,000mghr. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! |
Mold Treatment EXAMPLE: After removing or replacing wet or moldy materials, and when the other steps have been properly taken as referred to above, it is time to use ozone. The UV PRO 2800 has plenty of power for a 1,200 sq. ft. basement with heavy mold odors. For mold, we recommend the treatment time to be no less than 14-16 hours even though results may sometimes be accomplished in 8 - 12 hours. More time is usually better, even 1 to 3 full days of treatment is certainly not too much and is recommended for severe problems. (Keep in mind that professional mold remediation companies will usually treat for 2 - 3 full days after proper mold remediation steps are taken.)
The UV PRO 2800 will also do an effective job in this sized area if the preliminary mold removal steps are taken, and more time is given for ozone to do its job, or if your intention is to control the mold growth with periodic treatments. We have customers treating this sized area with the UV PRO 1100 or UV PRO 2800 with excellent results, Recommend products include the PRO 5000, PRO 9,000, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, or UV PRO 6800 for ensured results or professional application or where time is a factor.
Advanced, Dependable High Volume Component Systems For Fire & Mold Restoration Companies:
An ideal high volume mobile setup for mold and odor applications will run on an oxygen concentrator, usually sized to put out 80,000mghr - 120,000mghr This type of setup allows a smoke or mold redemption company to treat a 5,000 sq. ft. home in approx. 40 minutes very effectively. A new alternative to this heavy equipment is to purchase several of the UV PRO 4000 and now also the NEW! High powered UV PRO 6800 model Ozone Generators as there are several advantages. Ozone really works when the equipment meets or exceeds the application. Remediation companies commonly make capital equipment investments by purchasing Ozone Generators. Advantages of the new UV PRO 4000 and UV PRO 6800 include: -The industry's best warranty and service with 6 full years -size output to your needs - purchase several UV PRO 4000 or UV PRO 6800 units to get the desired output and treatment times. -Expandability - you are not limited to a particular output. Several units can be used to achieve outputs required for small or large treatment areas. -Transported much more easily that large 100-400+ pound ozone systems -If a service or maintenance issue were to arise, with multiple units, you are not "out of business for repair", instead, only the capacity may temporarily be reduced for a maintenance issue. -Space saving and installation versatility is maximized with individual units (Please Inquire - Custom Application 330-497-6900, |
UV PRO 6800 carries both corona discharge and UV ultraviolet ozone generators. With ambient air systems, UV ozone generation is superior because of stable high ozone output and reduced cleaning/ maintenance. UV Ozone Generators: fully adjustable HVAC UV 560 Duct mounted ozone generator air purifier, UV PRO 550, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and the Ultra-High powered UV PRO 6800 |