Click here for Ozone Technology Claim Currently, We feel it is necessary to address a few issues regarding the ozone generator marketplace to help re-establish a fair market. We would prefer not to have to address the following issues, and are sure someday reference to this information will no longer be necessary. One of the biggest competitive issues when purchasing an ozone generator is the ozone output rating in Milligrams Per Hour (mghr or mg/hr). The most important thing to understand is that while mghr is the only fair way to compare the output of an ozone generator, the rating of 1 mghr of ozone output with one company does not always equal the 1 mghr rating with another company. In fact, we often see discrepancies that are over-rated by a large margin; sometimes several hundred percent. The International Ozone Association (IOA) has an interest in this issue and expects to push ozone generator manufacturers to get a NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) government accepted standard for mghr ratings. The NIST standard was expected to be in place by now, but as the IOA is a Non-Profit organization, it has been difficult to get the required time allocated from appropriate directors to put towards this issue. Allergy Purifiers LLC (o3ozone & ) offers very conservative ratings designed for the professional fire, flood, MOLD, ODOR, and crime scene / death scene protein decomposition clean up industries. All of the issues covered below are predominantly in reference to one seller; misrepresenting not only their products, but ours and others as well. (with the exception of issues #(11) and (14)). Please note that we are only building this page in response to aggressive tactics fabricated by this competitor. As "Ugly" as we feel this page is, we know it is necessary to address these issues when confronted with unfair competition. The information and images on this page and on our website are presented and provided without prejudice to Air-zone ® or any competitor / parties / person directly or indirectly mentioned or referred to. Many issues are still not addressed - it is hard to keep up when new issues are "designed" often. If there is an issue that goes un-resolved, please call us at 330-497-6900. Many potential customers do not have the time to research enough to uncover facts, so we have provided answers through independent resources or proof where available:Some companies can use misleading sales tactics: (0) UV Ozone generators (which do produce high levels of ozone) are being confused with UV sterilizers / air purifiers (which do not produce ozone). The UV ozone generators we offer are the highest rated, highest quality ozone generators available in the remediation industry. Also, some competitors disregard the fact that UV produced ozone is not affected by high humidity, and even go as far as to say that their ambient air fed corona discharge ozone generators maintain rated outputs even in high humidity. Note that ALL ambient air fed corona discharge ozone generators are greatly affected by just an average level of humidity (including companies that say theirs are not); the ozone output of ambient air fed corona discharge ozone generators can be reduced by over 90% because of humidity. Why are UV ozone generators a better choice than corona discharge ozone generators? (For all air or surface sterilization Shock treatment applications such as MOLD, Smoke, Fire odors, musty smells, flood odor, protein decomposition odor, germ and virus remediation, etc.)
The Biggest difference between corona discharge and UV ozone generation methods is that UV ozone generators have stable ozone output levels throughout humidity ranges, while the output of corona discharge ozone generators is significantly reduced by just moderate humidity levels such as 40–70% (ozone output is reduced by approx. 40-70% with 40-70% humidity). In addition, with UV ozone generators, the cleaning requirement is almost eliminated compared to corona discharge ozone generators. Also, the ozone produced from a UV ozone generator is cleaner (no nitric acids) and smells better than ozone produced from corona discharge machines, and is just as powerful and often more powerful as ozone produced by corona discharge ozone generators. UV ozone generators include UV PRO 550, UV PRO 550AT, UV PRO 1100AT, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 6800 If you need an ozone generator with adjustable ozone output, two new models, the UV PRO 550AT or UV PRO 1100AT are ideal. The "AT" stands for Adjustable with 48 hour Timer. These models produce the cleanest and sweetest ozone ever possible - adjustable down to very low levels or high levels for shock treatments and are much more dependable than corona models on the market! Please call 330-497-6900 for information or to purchase. | carries both UV ozone generators, and ambient air fed corona discharge ozone generators. (click here for a list including both types) The UV ozone generators are the best choice for companies in the remediation business where the ozone generator will be used nearly every day. Also see: Ambient Air Ozone Generators Compared to Oxygen Fed or UV Ozone Generators Call 330-497-6900 for support or questions. (1) One seller misrepresents the comparison of MICA Dielectric, which is more expensive and has more desirable properties and advantages than glass or ceramic. (2) Claims that our ""upgradable" ozone generators listed at 2600 mg/hr, 3400 mg/hr, & 3600 mg/hr are poorly designed." (3) Claims our warranty is a "warranty with a MAJOR loophole" and is only a Manufacturing defects warranty. (4) Claims "Out of the country warranties are not enforceable in the U.S.A. or are not VALID." (5) "resellers" are not bound to honor the product warranties (6). Claims of corona discharge element designs for zero nitrogen oxides/different technologies (7) Some companies may falsely claim to be the factory or manufacturer (8) Claims "2 YR VALID U.S. WARRANTY - NOT FOREIGN!" and "NOT FROM "North America" or "Asia" (9) Don't believe the seller out there that states mica is old technology (10) The seller Claiming: "All our ozone outputs are conservatively rated and verified by Société Générale de Surveillance in high humidity environments". We recommend contacting this company to uncover the fact that Air-zone® has not had the output of their machines tested, rather a test to show that ozone will kill pathogens; mold during ozone shock treatments. When manufacturing contacted SGS, they also stated that they do not test ozone outputs. Click on this link to find organizations certified by SGS using the SGS client Search tool. (11) Some have created & trade-marked words to make it sound high tech (12) We offer conservative output and usage ratings for ozone generating equipment. (13) Many people are looking for an Ozone unit designed for treating both air and water. (While both air & water are effectively treated with ozone, the equipment used is significantly different for effectiveness.)
(1) One seller misrepresents the comparison of MICA Dielectric, which is more expensive and has more desirable properties and advantages than glass or ceramic when used for for corona discharge ambient air ozone generators. Understand that o3ozone offers different ozone generators with either dielectric - glass or MICA, each for different applications. (for ambient air ozone generators operating at or below 5000 Volts secondary voltage, mica is the preferred dielectric. Also, for ambient air ozone generators, the lower the secondary voltage the better - with a minimum of 4200 volts. The PRO series ozone generators o3ozone offers operate at 4200 - 4500 volts secondary voltage) Mica is used in several cutting-edge high-tech applications. The seller states the following misrepresentation for his own benefit: "We DO NOT use cheap ozone MICA plates in our ozone generators. MICA is the cheapest and worst material to use in an ozone plate. It easily breaks, flakes apart, burns, and shorts out the generator. Always stay far away from any ozone generator using a MICA ozone plate."
(2) claims that our "upgradable" ozone generators listed at 2600 mg/hr, 3400 mg/hr, & 3600 mg/hr are poorly designed." Air-zone® also claims that we use the same transformer in the PRO 3400 series (V1-V5), PRO 5000 V, and PRO 10,000 V when in fact they are different.
Air-zone® goes into great detail with their story about our transformers vs. their "MULTIPLE transformers" system and he has created quite a misleading piece. o3ozone has NOT had even one transformer fail in any of the models we have ever sold, and the manufacturer has far less than a 1% failure rate. In a recent Air-zone® owner's manual (December 2004) - it clearly shows their units are made with inferior transformers. with this statement: "If there is any water left in the elements the transformer will blow out" Air-zone's® manual also states on this page that overheating due to dirty filters is not covered by his warranty, but on his web site he claims everything is covered. In the manual: "If the filter is to become so dirty as to substantially restrict airflow, the unit can overheat and burnout. Your warrantee does not cover this, so keep the filter clean." ALSO: "The corona elements inside may eventually blow out" All of these statements indicate to anyone their product is made with inferior components. In great contrast, the PRO series transformer wires can actually be crossed - even for days without blowing the transformer or any component.....uncross them and it will work! |
A strange tactic; we have seen this company take many of their products' weaknesses and advertise them as their strengths, and also advertise their weaknesses as issues with competitors units. On the subject of transformers, we have also been informed that customers who buy in quantity for industrial, or "always on" usage conditions have reported many instances where this competitor's units fail within one year. In fact, it is reasonable to assume that the competitor's claimed 6000mghr unit and the rest of the "XT" line will not last a year of continuous use in industrial always on situations as more than 8 instances of failure of this unit have already been reported - all within one year. The XT line is built in an identical manner as their 6000mghr unit, just adding more or less of the same components (as they claim they do), we would have to assume the failure for "always on" applications is common throughout the entire line. Air-zone® has fabricated technical "stories" about our products partially because the line of equipment, or the components in them cannot be changed easily, as they are Made In Taiwan: 
The transformer is the absolute most important component in every ozone generator. Our transformers are designed to withstand over 48 hours of short circuit or open circuit. Our products are built and warranted in North America, and o3ozone is also an authorized service center.
If you would like to see more miss-representations; many pertaining to the Air-zone® XT 2000 / 4000 / 6000 user manual, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THIS PAGE. Return to top
(3) One seller claims our warranty is a "warranty with a MAJOR loophole" and states that our warranty "is simply a manufacturing defects warranty":
Note that this sellers warranty is also worded as a manufacturing defects warranty. This company fails to understand basic professional language; failure of a part is considered to be a manufacturing defect, unless the unit has been physically damaged, such as being run over by a car. Do you think they will replace a unit for physical damage such as this? Call and ask them - (though we wouldn't be surprised to find they may say anything to get a sale as this seems to be the tactic on their website) Read the warranty for any product of a reputable company you consider to have excellent coverage and you will find this warranty wording the same or very similar. This company's tactics include replacing context or removing context for several issues to gain a sale.
If you would like to see proof of more miss-representations; many pertaining to the Air-zone® XT 2000 / 4000 / 6000 user manual, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THIS PAGE. Disclaimer: The information or any images on this page and on our website are presented and provided without prejudice to Air-zone® or any of the competitors / parties / person directly or indirectly mentioned or referred to. These will be removed as soon as it is known that the misrepresentations of the products o3ozone offers are removed by the offending party.
None of the manufacturers that o3ozone represents neither supports or has taken part in creating the above information with the exception of Crystal Air, the manufacturer of the ozone generator equipment in direct competition with Air-zone®.
Any reference obtained from this site to a specific company, commercial product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by neither or any company represented on the website.
General Policy:
Documentation Any person is hereby authorized to: a) store documentation on a single computer for personal use only and b) print copies of documentation for personal use provided that the documentation contains's copyright notice.
Third Party Companies and Products Mention of third-party products, companies and web sites on the's Web site is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of these products or vendors. provides this only as a convenience to their users. makes no representations regarding the safety, or suitability of any product offered. There are dangers inherent in the use of ozone producing equipment and assumes no responsibility with regard to the use or misuse of these products. Make sure that you completely understand the risks and how to avoid them before using ozone producing products. Links to Other Web Sites makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other web sites which you may access from the's Web site. When you access a non-'s web site, please understand that it is independent from and that has no control over the content on that web site. A link to a non-'s web site does not mean that endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such web site. Thank you for viewing the website!
(4) One company claims "Out of the country warranties are not enforceable in the U.S.A. or are not VALID.":
The company making this claim actually sell ozone generators made in Taiwan - and still claims to be the Manufacturer here in the USA - giving the impression the products are Made in USA. If you suspect a company of this, Contact some of their previous customers (through eBay is an easy way) and ask them what the labels say as to where they are made.) The following information and links to government websites prove their statement is false:
Click here for the FTC website for Consumers: International Division of Consumer Protection:
"The International Division of Consumer Protection seeks to promote consumer confidence in the international marketplace. Its activities focus on: Expanding international cooperation and information sharing through: negotiating and implementing bilateral consumer protection cooperation agreements. We already have such agreements with consumer protection agencies in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.
coordinating participation in the International Marketing Supervision Network (IMSN), an international network of consumer protection law enforcers in 30 countries.
coordinating and managing, a website where consumers can file cross-border e-commerce complaints, which can be accessed by consumer protection law enforcers in 15 countries.
Providing litigation support for enforcement actions with an international component - where wrongdoers, their assets or their victims are abroad. Developing international consumer protection and e-commerce policies that promote consumer confidence while minimizing regulatory burden and promoting growth of the international B2C marketplace. Offering international technical assistance to developing countries in building consumer protection frameworks." |
- "Click on this link to go to the website to file a cross-border complaint that will be quickly accessible to multiple government enforcement agencies. The information contained in your complaint will allow the government agencies to spot current fraudulent schemes and help us decide how we might take action. By reporting your complaint you may also help prevent other consumers from having the same problem you experienced."
- Click here to go to Consumer Sentinel to "See how law enforcement all over the world work together to fight fraud, using Consumer Sentinel, an innovative, international law enforcement fraud-fighting program."
You will easily find that these competitor statements regarding the validity of warranties from Canada or other countries are simply false! If you suspect a company of misleading advertising practices, you should report the company to the BBB, which works closely with the NAD.
(5) "resellers" are not bound to honor the product warranties:
When you purchase anything at any store, shopping mall, or any retail establishment, you are almost always buying from a "reseller". Manufacturers still stand behind their products and always will if they want to stay in business.
(6). Claims that corona discharge plate or element designs are for zero nitrogen oxides or are really different technologies.Claims of no nitrogen oxide corona discharge element designs may be misleading. It is a fact that all corona discharge ozone generators produce the nitrogen oxides when using ambient air for feed gas. To achieve any lower, pure oxygen or air driers must be used in place of ambient air. This is because the air we breathe or "ambient air" is made up of 80% nitrogen. ALL are plate, screen, metal, and glass, mica, or ceramic corona elements using the same technology regardless of claims.
CLICK HERE to see our line of ULTRA-PURE ozone generators that have as close to Zero Nitrogen Oxide output that is possible. These units use air driers, oxygen, or oxygen concentrator / generators! These units are often chosen for applications such as water purification, scientific research and materials testing. |
The OZONE GENERATORS from o3ozone produce the lowest possible amount of nitrogen oxides of any corona discharge generator available today! (keep in mind the nitrogen oxide levels produced are so small they are not usually an issue. Companies using the claim of no nitrogen oxides for corona discharge ozone generators are only using the claim to gain a selling edge. under certain conditions, nitric acid can sometimes form as a greasy residue inside an ozone machine, not in the room)
To read more about Nitrogen Oxides, or to Research Patent Claims, please see our Nitrogen Oxides Page.
(7) Some companies may falsely claim to be the factory or manufacturer:
There are some companies that claim to be the factory or manufacturer, when in some cases the company may be a reseller. To find out, ask for the factory address, and research the demographics for yourself to see where and what type of facility it is. If the factory or manufacturing facility address is in a residential neighborhood, (or is a house), I would then be skeptical if the company claims to be the manufacturer.
(8) Company claims "2 YR VALID U.S. WARRANTY - NOT FOREIGN!" and "NOT FROM "North America" or "Asia" " when it is a fact that their products are Made In Taiwan.
"In the aftermath of the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, news reports suggest that more American consumers are seeking out products that are "Made in the USA" with the expectation that the claim is truthful and accurate. According to the Federal Trade Commission, "Made in USA" means that "all or virtually all" the product was, indeed, made in America. The agency enforces the standard to ensure commercial compliance and confirm consumer confidence. For a "Made in USA" claim to be accurate, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin. Products should not contain any - or only negligible - foreign content. If you believe that a product is being erroneously promoted as "Made in USA" because it wasn't - or because it contains significant foreign parts or processing - call the FTC, toll-free, at 1-877-FTC-HELP or file a complaint online at If you are aware of import or export fraud, call the U.S. Customs Service Commercial Fraud Hotline, 1-800-ITS-FAKE."
(9) Don't believe the seller out there that states mica is old technology:
theirs uses glass sandwiched in plastic - using the same corona discharge plate technology they claim is old. Sure mica has been around for a long time, but mica has several advantages. This same company also claims that we use one transformer for all of our models, which simply is not true. Although we carry a large line of high quality corona discharge ozone generators that use mica, we now also offer a newer line of UV ozone generators that outperform all competing corona models on the market with stable ozone output and significantly less maintenance. These ozone generators also carry a 6 year mfg. warranty. UV ozone generators include UV PRO 550, UV PRO 550AT, UV PRO 1100AT, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 6800
(11) Some have created & trade-marked words to make it sound high tech:
Such is the case for companies claiming that Hydroxyl Radicals , Passive Negative Ions, Hydro Peroxides and Super Oxide Ions, Hydroxides and Ozonide Ions will travel throughout a building with shock treatment results. While Hydroxyl Radicals are real, their life span is similar to an ion, which is only a few seconds. It is true that Hydroxyl Radicals kill germs similar to ozone, but because of their extremely short life span, will not travel throughout a room or building killing germs on surfaces. These systems, using the Hydroxyl Radicals process, (or other trademarked processes using Hydroxyl Radicals ), will not produce sufficient gases stable enough for surface shock treatment results.
(12) We offer conservative output ratings (in mghr) for ozone generating equipment, and conservative usage recommendations.
While many sellers represent similar ozone output ratings, one of our suppliers has learned through testing several different units that a couple prominent competing companies have exaggerated output figures. Some of the exaggeration is significant. Either these companies do not test output ratings in an acceptable or standardized method, are taking a guess to determine output, or (in at least one case), knowingly defraud the output of the ozone generators they offer. Click Here for more on ozone output information.
Consider calling the companies you are deciding on to discuss in detail your application or use of an ozone generator, or any technical / service question. This is often a good way to get to know who you are doing business with and may give you an idea of how you may be treated if a problem were to arise. We welcome your calls 7 Days a week. 330-497-6900
Click on the following link If you are looking for information about Hydroxyl Radicals , Passive Negative Ions, Hydro Peroxides, Super Oxide Ions, Hydroxides or Ozonide Ions. It is important to understand that there are only two (2) types of commercial ozone generation technology: One is corona discharge, (lightening) and the other is U.V. (ultraviolet light). (corona discharge includes cold corona, cold plasma, and plasma; these are all forms of corona discharge) These are the only two technologies known to produce ozone. Man made Ozone is simply produced by one of these two means. All corona discharge generators use plates and glass, mica or ceramic and metal. Every company selling corona discharge ozone generators has plates in their generators whether they are enclosed, encased, or an open design like ours. If another company claims they are using a new and different technology, other that the plate / glass (etc.) system, they would certainly explain the differences with this "new technology", and how exactly it works, - especially if the claimed "new technology" were patented. It is easy to understand that; if a claimed new technology were patented, the patent would protect that company from competitors copying the design, allowing the patent owner to advertise and explain the technology to the whole world, which in turn allows the company to profit greatly from it's invention. So if you find a company that simply will not explain the technology they say exists, it is most likely a scam to gain sales. Furthermore, the production of a gas or the properties of a gas cannot be patent. Only the physical design of an apparatus may be patented. be sure to read the information we provide about Patents for "Zero Nitrogen Oxides"do not exist. It is also important to understand that "elements" and power supplies can be made to produce less Nitrogen Oxide, and are not solely responsible - the feed gas plays a much bigger part in what is produced in a corona element - This is a simple matter of basic chemistry. There is no such thing as a Zero Nitrogen Oxide ozone element. |
Return to top QUESTION: I have noticed that another web site, auction, or company has claims that the ozone generators they sell do not produce NITROGEN OXIDE, and that larger fans in the units create more. DO YOURS? Do not believe claims about corona discharge ozone generators that claim "zero" or "no nitrogen oxides". ALL CORONA DISCHARGE OZONE GENERATORS CREATE A SMALL AMOUNT OF NITROGEN OXIDES" unless they were to use pure oxygen for feed gas, dry air, and have absolutely no metal of any kind in the generation chamber. The amount produced is negligible, approximately 1/100 of the amount of ozone being produced. In an ozonated area that is safe to occupy (>0.04 ppm) the nitrogen oxide level would be around 0.0004, well below the safe level. The OZONE GENERATORS we sell produce the lowest possible amount of nitrogen oxides of any corona discharge generator available today! (To achieve any lower, pure oxygen must be used in place of ambient air in conjunction with air dryers. This is because the air we breathe or "ambient air" is made up of 80% nitrogen.) Some companies have used a nitrogen oxide testing method that does not work, Draeger gas testing tubes and Matheson gas detector tubes for nitrogen are not usable in an ozone environment. Both companies state in their instructions that they will not give an accurate reading in an ozone environment. Draeger say's that the nitrogen oxide tests are "not compatible with an ozone environment" and: Matheson states that "the stained layer is decolorized by ozone" We have tested our equipment with the Matheson gas testers and came up with 0 nitrogen oxides , However we know that, THE TESTS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MEANING WHEN DONE IN THE PRESENCE OF OZONE so we do not claim absolute zero. The Draeger and Matheson gas test tubes use a small glass tube that contains cotton type batting inside that is soaked in a special chemical regent. The tubes are inserted into a special pump that draws a calibrated amount of air through it. The regent discolors up the length of the tube which is marked with concentrations. The problem is that as soon as the regent changes color it is bleached or " discolored" by the ozone and shows no reading, thus zero nitrogen oxide readings are obtained.
FAN SIZE AND ITS FUNCTION Pertaining to the production of Nitrous oxides: A higher volume of air passing through the corona discharge process will actually help to reduce any nitrous oxides produced as heat plays an important part in the production of these nitrous oxides. The more heat build-up, the more nitrous oxides may be produced. Stronger fans reduce the heat build-up of the corona discharge process and components, thereby reducing the nitrous oxides produced, and more air passing through the ozone elements can also produce more ozone. There is a scientifically determined optimum speed for each of our different models, matching the airflow to the process, taking any guesswork out of the picture. Do not believe any claims that slower fan speeds produce less nitrous oxides, as the opposite is true. A website or individual that claims zero nitrous oxides produced, or that the larger the fan the higher the nitrogen oxide output, is simply trying to set their products apart making them sound better to generate more sales. Return to top
New patented design claims: No cleaning required claims Be careful about purchasing any ozone generator that claims: A. " NO CLEANING OR MAINTENANCE REQUIRED ". We have tested several different brands and models as well as speaking with several of the sellers, they are either disposable or you MUST purchase costly replacement elements, UV tubes, or other parts instead of cleaning. These replicable, uncleanable elements or tubes cause the ozone production to slowly reduce over time until they finally stop working. Our ozone generators are designed to last for years to come and carry a 6 year warranty to prove it. When maintained properly the corona elements will last 4 full years maintaining a steady amount of ozone production, the unit itself will last much longer. That's a lot of continuous use!
B. Patents for "Zero Nitrogen Oxides"do not exist. Patents from any company, person, or manufacturer for "Zero Nitrogen Oxides" do not exist. If you find this claim, ask for patent numbers and be sure to search the patents and read what the invention is for. You will find that any, and every company out there making this claim has falsified what the patent is for. The only patents found are for reducing noise. Any company with valid patents will list the patent numbers. If an invention is patented, the company will proudly advertise and make reference to the patent number. That's what a patent is no-one else can take the idea. Our units have the right components and the right type of fans in them to already be as quiet, or quieter than any other forced air corona discharge ozone generator on the market. "NEW PATENTED DESIGN ", we have yet to truly see a "new" ozone generator element design, they are simply a different ground electrode shape, mounting design, etc. ALL are plate, screen, and glass, mica, or ceramic corona elements regardless of claims. Some companies even try to fool you into thinking that the patent covers nitrogen oxide and states that they are nitrogen oxide free. We have researched all such patents. THERE IS NO MENTION OF REDUCED OR ELIMINATION OF NITROGEN OXIDES IN ANY OF THEM UNLESS THEY ARE USING PURE OXYGEN instead of the air we breathe. Click here to do a US patent search for yourself or insist that the supplier supplies a laboratory test sheet. Return to top
Beware of the shortcomings of element designs that are enclosed: Element designs that are enclosed or encased are not effectively serviceable or cleanable. The reason for using this design is most often to reduce the noise of the corona process. If the unit and electrode materials are properly designed, there will be extremely close tolerances (almost none or less than 1mm) between electrode elements, thereby reducing noise, improving corona efficiency, and saving electricity. All of our units utilize close tolerance electrode element design making them as quiet as possible, and efficient. Our largest unit for air purification, the PRO 10,000, uses only 160 watts, which is less than the average television. More information may be available at the following links: Patents & Nitrogen oxides | Output Claims - Inflated Return to top
Cleaning & Maintenance A good selling point of our corona elements is that they can be easily and effectively cleaned. There are some that advertise no maintenance or cleaning required, just replace. The problem with this is that almost no-one can use super dry air (in the single digits), and pure oxygen as the supply gas meaning that periodic cleaning will be necessary. If you cannot clean the elements, the production of ozone will continually decrease, and they will need to be replaced sooner and more often. The cost of our corona element dielectric material is inexpensive! One seller targets our elements with false information in this statement: "Old style ozone "plates" typically cost $40.00 each or more. Note that a competitors 10,000 unit would contain 10 of these $40.00 "plates" equaling $400.00" Entire elements rarely (if ever - unusual circumstance) need replacing. The part(s) needed when an element wears out costs less than $15.00 each to replace, including shipping! This part is called the Dielectric. It is usually only necessary to replace 1 or 2 sheets at a time. Best of all, under most usage conditions, the dielectric is not expected to wear out for years of continuous use! We now also offer a newer line of UV ozone generators that outperform all competing corona models on the market with stable ozone output and significantly less maintenance. These ozone generators also carry a 6 year mfg. warranty. UV ozone generators include UV PRO 550, UV PRO 550AT, UV PRO 1100AT, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 6800 Return to top If your intended use of an ozone generator is to create a clean air zone, or air purification, please see our Air Purification Instructions page. We also recommend reading about ozone safety. Commercial & Home Ozone Generators & Related Products. Ultra-Pure Ozone Generators that run on oxygen or with air driers AirSep OXYGEN Concentrators / Generators |