| | Ambient Air Corona Discharge Ozone Generators Compared to Oxygen Fed or UV Ozone GeneratorsWhy are UV ozone generators a better choice than corona discharge ozone generators?
(For all air or surface sterilization Shock treatment applications such as MOLD, Smoke, Fire odors, musty smells, flood odor, protein decomposition or death odor, germ and virus remediation, etc.)
The Biggest difference between corona discharge and UV ozone generation methods is that UV ozone generators have stable ozone output levels throughout humidity ranges, while the output of corona discharge ozone generators is significantly reduced by just moderate humidity levels such as 40–70% (ozone output is reduced by approx. 40-70% with 40-70% humidity). In addition, with UV ozone generators, the cleaning requirement is almost eliminated compared to corona discharge ozone generators. Also, the ozone produced from a UV ozone generator is cleaner (no nitric acids) and smells better than ozone produced from corona discharge machines, and is just as powerful and often more powerful as ozone produced by corona discharge ozone generators. UV ozone generator models include UV PRO 550, UV PRO 550AT, UV PRO 1100AT, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 6800 If you need an ozone generator with adjustable ozone output, two new models, the UV PRO 550AT or UV PRO 1100AT are ideal. The "AT" stands for Adjustable with 48 hour Timer. These models produce the cleanest and sweetest ozone ever possible - adjustable down to very low levels or high levels for shock treatments and are much more dependable than corona models on the market! Please call 330-497-6900 for information or to purchase. |
Ambient Air (the air we breathe) contains 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon and 0.1% other gases. Unlike Corona Discharge ambient air ozone generators, ozone generators that use oxygen for feed gas, or use UV ozone generation greatly increase and obtain consistent high ozone outputs. Using oxygen, or an oxygen concentrator, or a UV ozone producing system like the UV PRO 2800, will result in consistent high level ozone output - unaffected by the normal variables that usually reduce outputs of corona discharge ambient air ozone generators, such as humidity. Using oxygen instead of ambient air will allow the ozone generator to produce up to 4 times as much ozone*. Using oxygen also eliminates cleaning and maintenance. Cleaning and maintenance will be necessary for all ambient air ozone generators that do not use oxygen, or an electronic air drier - regardless of claims. The new UV PRO 550, UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000 or NEW! Ultra-High powered UV PRO 6800 requires very little maintenance - only requiring that ozone producing tubes be wiped down with rubbing alcohol after 6 months of continuous use. *It is not necessary to convert to oxygen fed ozone generator systems for air treatment applications (MOLD, ODOR; protein decomposition, SMOKE, Pet odor and other air / surface sterilization purification applications). Oxygen is used for ozone generator systems designed for waste water treatment, pharmaceutical, and other oxidation applications. Humidity levels around 50% will cut the output of corona discharge ambient air ozone generators in half! This is because corona discharge ambient air ozone generators are tested for their maximum output in very low humidity levels in the single digits. Some users in desert / dry areas will experience humidity levels in the single digits, thus achieving the maximum ozone output rating of a corona discharge ambient air ozone generator. More information on the variables are available on our Sizing a Generator page. Corona discharge ambient air ozone generators experience even higher ozone production loss with Humidity above 65%. Corona discharge ambient air units can lose in excess of 85% of their rated output in very humid environments, and will require more frequent maintenance. |
EFFECT OF THE DEW POINT ON Corona discharge ambient air OZONE PRODUCTION |  |
UV PRO 2800T48 *popular, Professional Choice.
This is the new choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 2800
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 2800 is designed for use as a heavy duty Ozone shock treatment tool. In higher humidity, the UV PRO 2800 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 5,000. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! | UV PRO 4000T48 *popular, Professional Choice.
This is the new choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 4000
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 4000 is designed for use as a heavy duty shock treatment tool. In higher humidity, the UV PRO 4000 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 10,000. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! | UV PRO 6800T48 *Ultimate Professional Choice.
This is the new ultimate choice for Commercial Ozone Applications / users!
 UV PRO 6800
| Popular Ozone GeneratorUsed by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies: High powered UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators. Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc. Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. The UV PRO 6800 is designed for use as the ultimate heavy duty shock treatment tool. In moderate to higher humidity, the UV PRO 6800 exceeds the ozone output of competing units rated at 29,000mghr. (Read the product description to understand why).
Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more. Click here for more info! |
See the full line of ozone generators for ODOR, smoke, MOLD, fire, Protein Decomposition ODORS, and flood remediation. |