AllerAir AirMedic Pro 6 Plus Air Purifier with UV Dental Source Capture
Allergy Purifiers LLC offers only the highest rated, most effective
 HEPA Carbon Air Purifiers and Filters for Allergy Relief, MCS,
Asthma Relief, VOC, VIRUS, Chemical and Odor Removal.

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Component Systems

High Output Mobile Systems

Oxygen Fed Mobile Ozone Systems

The o3o2-8000 is a combined industrial professional ozone generator and oxygen concentrator designed to produce high amounts of ultra-pure ozone for large application fire, flood, and black mold remediation, or water, liquids decontamination of up to 5,000 gallons at once. Industrial odor removal, bacteria, virus and mold decontamination!  For commercial, professional use.


The component systems/ mobile ozone systems below are now outdated as the new UV ozone generators we carry outperform these systems at a fraction of the cost.  The new standard in remediation ozone generators include the UV PRO 2800, UV PRO 4000, UV PRO 6800, and the New UV PRO 15000. (See below)

SEE Compare uv ozone generator to corona discharge ozone generators.

The following units should not be compared to any CD ambient air ozone generator:

Mobile Oxygen Ozone commercial components for Mold, Smoke, ODOR & Crime Scene Clean-up (protein decomposition).

The new UV PRO 4000, UV PRO 6800 UV PRO 6800, and the New UV PRO 15000. (See below) units have replaced component systems.

The UV PRO 4000 weighs less than 25lbs., is highly reliable, and also offers stable ozone output. 

The component system is used as described at this page: How to shock treat using an oxygen concentrator driven ozone generator.

The new UV PRO 4000, UV PRO 6800, and the New UV PRO 15000. (see below) are breakthroughs in mobile ozone treatment, offering the most user friendly experience.  No set-up required for the UV PRO 4000 6800, or the new UV PRO 15000 units.  These units should not be compared to any ambient air ozone generator without an ozone monitor as the ozone output difference of similarly rated ozone machines will be clear.

UV PRO 2800T48
Professional Choice.

or Commercial Industrial Ozone Applications / uses

UV PRO 2800


Popular Commercial Industrial Ozone Generator

Used by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies:

  • Virus, Bacteria, and MOLD Surface Sterilization
  • Ozone permanently kills odors through oxidation

The UV PRO 2800 is a top choice for heavy duty Ozone shock treatments.

Surface Sterilization up to 2,500 sq. ft.

In higher humidity, the UV PRO 2800 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 5,000.  (Read the product description to understand why).

Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more.

 Click here for more info!

UV PRO 4000T48
Professional Choice.

Industrial Commercial Ozone Applications / uses.

UV PRO 4000


Popular  Commercial Industrial Ozone Generator

Used by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies:

The UV PRO 4000 is powerful for surface sterilization shock treatments.

  • Virus, Bacteria, and MOLD Surface Sterilization
  • Ozone permanently kills odors through oxidation

Surface Sterilization up to 3,500 sq. ft.

In higher humidity, the UV PRO 4000 exceeds the ozone output of the PRO 10,000.  (Read the product description to understand why).

Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more.

Click here for more info!

UV PRO 6800T48
High Ozone Output
Professional Choice.

For Commercial Industrial Ozone Applications / uses.

UV PRO 6800


Popular Commercial Industrial Ozone Generator

Used by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies:

The UV PRO 6800 is powerful for surface sterilization shock treatments.

In moderate to higher humidity, the UV PRO 6800 exceeds the ozone output of competing units rated at 29,000mghr.  (Read the product description to understand why).

  • Virus, Bacteria, and MOLD Surface Sterilization
  • Ozone permanently kills odors through oxidation

Surface Sterilization up to 5,500 sq. ft.

Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), virus, MOLD remediation, garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more.

Click here for more info!

UV PRO 15000T48


Ultimate Professional Choice.

This is the new ultimate choice for Commercial Industrial Ozone Applications / uses.

UV PRO 15000



NEW Commercial Industrial Ozone Generator

  • Virus, Bacteria, and MOLD Surface Sterilization
  • Ozone permanently kills odors through oxidation

Used by leading fire smoke flood mold odor remediation companies.

The UV PRO 15000 is the ultimate heavy duty shock treatment tool for powerful surface sterilization shock treatments.

Surface Sterilization up to 8-10,000 sq. ft.

Ideal for use in fire / flood restoration, crime scene cleanup (protein decomposition), garbage compactors, garbage transfer stations, heavy restoration, auto detailing, all heavy odor remediation tasks, food service sterilization packaging / manufacturing, bacteria or mold odors Home/ Commercial decontamination, purifying rooms in hotels and for killing mold, and more.

High powered UV PRO 15000 (call), UV PRO 6800, UV PRO 4000, and UV PRO 2800 Ozone Generators.  Use for serious restoration work, commercial applications, manufacturing, barns, etc.  Read why UV ozone generators outperform units rated higher. 

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Questions? Call 330-497-6900

Ozone Generators are designed, manufactured and labeled for Industrial Use Only.  Allergy Purifiers LLC only recommends un-occupied Shock Treatment use.

We have seen competition offer high volume setups with trailers for mobile smoke or mold remediation which run on oxygen concentrators, and sized to put out 45 grams/hr - 120 grams/hr.  (A 80-100 gram/hr+ system allows a smoke or mold redemption company to treat a 4-5,000 sq. ft. home for smoke remediation in approx. 60 minutes effectively.)  Competitor pricing for a 120 gram/hr. system including a trailer: $120,000.00.  We can match or exceed this output for about one third the cost, while providing higher independent units.  The new UV PRO 4000 or UV PRO 6800 and UVPRO15000 has many advantages:

  • multiple independent systems gives greater flexibility; allows treatment of more jobs at once.

  • multiple independent systems also ensures you will have no down time for maintenance.

  • multiple independent systems can treat more homes at once!

  • multiple independent systems gives you significantly higher portability that large single systems that are permanently mounted in trailers.



Ozone Generators, Medical, Personal Air Purifier and Filter Systems, Oxygen Generators

Ozone Generators for remediation; fire, flood, ODOR, MOLD, protein decomposition, VOC, virus, and bacterial sterilization.  Medical grade HEPA, carbon, and negative air filter systems for critical particle control, medical infection control units, TB, H1N1 virus isolation rooms, hospitals, cleanrooms, construction renovation, and personal use.  High performance air purifiers for allergies, asthma, VOC’s, MCS and ODORS.  Oxygen generators for ozone systems, oxygen bars and industrial uses.


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Allergy Purifiers, LLC
804 Stone Crossing St. NE
Canton, Ohio 44721
Phone: (330) 497-6900



See the full line of ozone generators for ODOR, smoke, MOLD, fire, Protein Decomposition ODORS, and flood remediation.

All information on the o3ozone; Allergy Purifiers LLC web site is protected by international copyright law. No part of o3ozone's web site may be copied or
 reproduced without written consent from Allergy Purifiers LLC; o3ozone.  All rights reserved, Dave Lowen, Doug Bracken &
Allergy Purifiers LLC, o3ozone 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Residential, Commercial, Industrial o3ozone ozone generators, ODOR air purifiers, AllerAir Carbon MCS Air Purifiers, Austin Air, IQAir HEPA
Carbon Filter, AllerAir AirMedic Dental Source Capture, HEPA gas, ODOR
Removal Allergy Asthma Filters Air Purifiers, AirSep Oxygen
oxygen bars, Glass Blowing, Thermal Applications.

AllerAir HEPA Carbon Air Filter Allergy Purifies for Asthma MCS, VOC, Odors, Hospitals, clean rooms, dental offices, and anywhere the maximum degree of filtration is required. offers a large selection of purification products.

Dental Source Capture
Carbon UV HEPA Purifier
Austin Air Purifiers. Filters
All models Available - CALL
MCS Carbon Odor Filters
HEPA MCS Allergy Asthma
Carbon Gas
HEPA Allergy Asthma
MCS Gas Odor Filters
UV Medical HEPA Allergy
Asthma MCS Odor Purifiers
HEPA Air Scrubbers
Containment Rooms

Guaranteed Lowest Price!

SELECT AN OZONE GENERATOR for MOLD, Smoke, ODOR Remediation and Decontamination

The Ozone Generators offered on the o3ozone site are designed, manufactured and labeled for Industrial Use Only.

AllerAir HEPA Air Purifiers  |  AirSep Oxygen Generators, Concentrators  |  AllerAir MCS Carbon Purifiers |  Ozone Applications  |  Why Allergy Purifiers LLC?

Austin Air HEPA Carbon Filters  |  Informed Ozone Decision  |  Ozone Output Comparisons   |   NQ Environmental  Element Designs

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